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Stolen Yamaha FT50 Outboard is Recovered from Lithuanian by Swedish Police Working with Interpol

Yamaha FT50 Outboard Theft Recovery   Read more here...

Stolen Yamaha VT50 Outbaord Recovered

On 15 March 2017 a customer reported his Yamaha VT50 stolen after burglary at his summer house in Sweden. We remotely alarmed the Automatrics MTrack theft recovery outboard tracker to report a cell site in Lithuania. The location was observed with positions sent to both the Swedish police and Interpol who supported the Automatrics theft recovery operation.

Automatrics were planning an RF recovery operation but this was interrupted when the stolen Yamaha outboard suddenly started to move and report new GPS locations. The asset was tracked from an industrial yard to a truck park in Vilnius. Lithuanian Police attended the truck park GPS location and confirmed that they had identified several trucks. The next action was to try and identify which truck the police needed to search.

Discover how Automatrics communicate with Swedish Interpol officers and Lithuanian Police overnight to identify the truck, arrest the driver, seize the truck with its entire shipment of wooden creates and to then take it to a Lithuania police safe compound for a controlled search.

Automatrics have been supplying outboard trackers in Sweden for a number of years and have worked with Stockholm marine police on several successful operations......this international recovery operation demonstrates what can be achieved when powerful security tracking systems help countries work together to fight crime !


Video: Stolen Yamaha VT50 Outboard Recovery

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